
Vincent Cloutier
Our take on reduce, reuse, recycle and recover

Comment nous appliquons la règle des 4 R: réduire, réutiliser, recycler et reconvertir

Chez UetC, ça fait longtemps qu'on s'efforce de ne pas jeter ce qui peut encore servir. Dans cet article, on vous parle des quelques une des actions en suivant la règle des 4 R: Réduire, Réutiliser, Recycler, Reconvertir 

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Vincent Cloutier
The trade show attitude

The trade show attitude

  In the last 4+ years, we must have participated to at least a dozen trade shows, makers fare, etc. Has all of those experiences been profitable? As learning experiences, yes. Financially, not at all. In fact, we’ve done more shows where we wouldn’t cover our fees with sales than profitable ones. That can be a depressing thought in a way. But I don’t see it negatively. In fact, whether a sale/show event is profitable depends on a lot of factors: the market it deserves, its location, how much visibility it has, and, of course, the type of product an...

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Vincent Cloutier
Why the B3 bench is named the B3 bench

Why the B3 bench is named the B3 bench

Sometimes, you really have to accept that what seemed a clever idea is just not viable. It is something to design a product we really dig, it is another to sell it to people and expect them to really use it and enjoy it as you thought they would. So here's a short stoy behind the evolution and the name of the B3 bench.

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8 Ways to Use Your Wall-Mounted Letter Holder

8 manières d'utiliser votre porte-lettre mural

À l'heure d'internet, on reçoit moins de courrier papier et notre porte-lettre mural perd de son utilité. Mais pas question pour autant de ranger au placard ce vieil ami devenu un élément de décoration de notre entrée. Il existe de nombreuses manières de l'utiliser. Voici 8 façons de se servir de son porte-lettre mural.

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